Tata Steel and Dyesol have agreed to expand their joint photovoltaics development project based at the PV Accelerator Centre at the Tata Steel site at Shotton, North Wales. The number of personnel working on the project will be increased from 30 to 50, and activity at the PV Accelerator Centre will be scaled up.
The project, whose initial development phase is due to be completed in June, set out to develop the world's first continuously manufactured dye-sensitized photovoltaic product on steel for building applications. Over this period, the partners have been supported by a technology grant from the Welsh Assembly Government.
"This expansion takes the project from its laboratory and pilot line phase into a pre-industrialization phase," says Peter Strikwerda, managing director of Tata Steel Colors.
SOURCE: Dyesol
View: Don't count out India -- they have lots of really bright people, money, lots of sunshine, and need a lot of electricity. This will be a huge market and eventually a solar market leader. The Indian market is wide open for entrepreneurs with vision and connections.
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