Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Solar Power Generators to Assist with Disaster in Japan

DynGlobal, a US based company dedicated to advanced technology, renewable energy, and solar power solutions announced today that it is supporting the victims of the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan by providing solar powered generators of 600 and 1,000 watts of sustainable power. The DG mobile solar generators can operate more than 24 hours a day depending on the total draw of power.

Self-contained and powered completely by the energy of the sun, these 12-volt system generators can power most life-sustaining electrical equipment including DynGlobal’s water purification systems and recharge telephones, radios, cameras, televisions, small medical devices, computers and mini-refrigerators. The generators are waterproof and airtight and include two USB direct ports and two standard AC outlets for an integrated solar charge. It also features a built-in controller with standard on/off switch and a direct cooling fan.

DynGlobal works closely with the US military, NGOs and non-profits, and US and foreign government agencies to deploy its suite of renewable energy solutions, which includes high-efficiency foldable solar panels and tarps, solar water cooling and solar water purification systems. 

For more information about the company and its products, or for more details and specs on our solar generators email toddrburns@dynglobal.com.

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