Monday, November 22, 2010

The Power Grid Will Fail In 36 Months!

Porter Stansberry is breaking this important story in the brand new October issue of his Stansberry's Investment Advisory newsletter.

It turns out that the very heart of our nation's economy - the power grid itself - is dangerously exposed to even the smallest rise in the price of coal. Porter describes in great detail how our nation's power producers cannot afford more expensive coal and that coal prices are headed up, way up.

From The "Eye" To The Storm

What's the recipe for a perfect storm to shut down the grid in Porter's opinion? The feds new printing press policy, the perilous state of our currency in world markets and the rise of the Chinese economy mean dramatically higher coal prices and the death of the grid as we know it. (The Chinese are building one new coal fired plan every week!) According to the Stansberry Investment Advisory newsletter:

"We believe we are a few months away from the failure of the U.S. Power Grid. The causes will be economic, not technical. But that won't matter to you if your heat doesn't work any more... or if your lights won't come on."

As it turns out, the nation's leading power producers simply cannot withstand rising coal prices. When they come (like snow in Fargo) it will prove to be devastating, not only to the shareholders of these energy producing companies, but to the entire power grid itself.


As I've said before, only God knows the future. So again take all of this with a grain of salt. I'm simply trying to give you next years news headlines today so you can take action if you so desire. By getting an early warning, you can prepare and take cover if you feel the need. And, because I think this and other "storms" are coming, we've made a very special "Eye of the Storm offer" for those of you who agree we are living in truly dangerous times.

Source:  Off The Grid News

View:   To read more about Natural Risks to our grid system click here.

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